Monday, May 27, 2013
A Few Final Thoughts
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Day 5 -- Over the Golden Gate Bridge and Back to San Francisco
Not so fast, I'm afraid.
First, the Climate Ride organizers wanted to get us over the Golden Gate bridge, into the parking lot of Sports Basement (where we originally gathered on Day Zero to take the bus north to Fortuna), by 11:15. This was so that we could then all ride en masse to San Francisco City Hall, for scheduled speakers on environmental topics, starting at Noon. Unfortunately, this schedule meant they wanted us eating breakfast by 6 a.m. and on the road by 6:30 a.m.
Didn't quite happen. At least for me. Although I'm proud to say that I did at least pack up camp and make it out onto the road by about 7:30. Where some pretty strenuous climbs, including one Category 4 (our only non-Category 5 climb other than on Day 2) awaited. And although the total climbing for the day was "only" about 3000 feet, the gradients of the climbs were as, if not more, consistently severe -- in the 8% to 12% range -- than anything experienced to date. It was some seriously hard riding. Although with some seriously excellent payoffs in terms of views at, and descents from, the top.
It was also pretty thrilling to get over the last large climb and ride down into and through Marin County and Sausalito (where we were warned that the cops like to ticket bicyclists who go through red lights), with the knowledge that the Golden Gate Bridge, and San Francisco proper, were not too far away.
Of course, even with time being tight, I insisted on stopping and taking some pictures, and otherwise tried to enjoy the ride in my own way. Which meant that I narrowly missed the gathering at Sports Basement and had to ride directly to City Hall, arriving in the proverbial nick of time at about 11:55 a.m.!
Consistent with Climate Ride protocol, the obligatory bicycle hoisting photographs were taken, and we all collected to listen to Paul Hawken (noted environmentalist and author of numerous books, including The Ecology of Commerce) and others speak.Definitely a fine and fitting ending to the day, and the week.
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America's Cup Racing In San Francisco Bay! |
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With Bob and Rachael Loper |
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This time also with our new friend, Libby |
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Paul Hawken addressing the masses.... |
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Blake Holiday and Caeli Quinn, two of the principals of Climate Ride (Caeli is a co-founder with Geraldine Carter, not pictured) |
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I made it!! |
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Day 4 -- Recovery from an Inauspicious Start
First, as you can see from the map profile above, we headed inland a bit to start the day -- which with strong winds out of the NNW, was a pretty good ride. And it also didn't have a lot of climbing. But, as you also can see from the profile, from about mile 30 to about mile 45, we had to head back out to the coast, surmount some significant climbs and, to boot, battle a headwind that was regularly 15 to 20 mph and certainly gusted above 30 mph. Ugh!
Second, I had not started the day too auspiciously. Somehow, while eating breakfast, I managed to get scrambled eggs into my windpipe -- or at least I think that's where they went. In any event, they caused a choking, not able to breathe very well, response, with the result being that I spent about 45 minutes on my knees, sporadically vomiting eggs. A lovely image, no? (sorry, no actual pictures.) And definitely not how I wanted to kick off the day, especially after already feeling a bit fatigued from yesterday's long ride. I will say, however, that the Climate Ride EMTs nearby were very nice, comforting and patient with me as I, ahem, worked through this little problem.
They suggested that I might want to shuttle some or all of today's ride, but yours truly, having made it through yesterday's marathon, wanted to complete the full week's course. I figured that I could take it slow and see how I felt. So I did. And, fortunately for me, the ride for the first 30 miles, before turning back out to the coast, was pretty easy. By which point I felt pretty recovered. In fact, recovered enough that when we reached Pt. Reyes near the end of the day, and stopped at the renowned Hog Island Oyster Company restaurant, which has a lovely deck outside perched on the edge of Tomales Bay, I enthusiastically (albeit somewhat trepidatiously) joined the oyster shucking and eating festivities (and, yes, there was even some beer drinking too).
Definitely a better ending to the day....
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Oh yeah. It got pretty cold at night! |
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Day 3 - A Century Ride Down the Coast
Oh, and lest I forget, Bob got to camp ahead of me (as always), but in doing so stopped and sourced two bottles of lovely Avalon Cabernet Sauvignon. Made for a very nice evening sitting out under the stars!
Monday, May 20, 2013
Days 1 and 2: Some Data and More Photos
Day 1 started in Fortuna, CA and ended in Richardson Grove, CA, after about 63 miles. Here's the RidewithGPS profile (since, as was the case with every day except Day 5, my Garmin corrupted, and failed to preserve, my actual ride data whenever I tried to save the information at the end of the day). Fortunately, I always studied the data first, and my recollection is that the actual cumulative climb on Day 1 came out closer to 4300 feet, as compared to the 4551 feet below. It could just be inaccuracies in the Garmin's altimeter, but I also suspect the RidewithGPS profile might include ascents from valleys which are actually spanned by bridges, thereby tending to overstate the total climbing. If anyone has a better theory, please comment away!
This was the day for redwoods, with the highlight being about 25 miles ridden on Avenue of the Giants, through amazing forests of these majestic trees. It's tough to photograph them and capture the scale, but of course I tried:

And, of course, there were some cows along the way (for those readers who were missing them -- you know who you are):
As may be evident from the profile, we had two serious climbs before getting our first real glimpse of the Pacific at about mile 37. The first was an approximately 5 mile long climb, with a gain of 1400 feet -- a Category 2 climb. The second was shorter, "only" 2 miles, but steeper, gaining about 700 feet in that time -- a Category 3 climb. For those non-bike geeks out there, significant climbs generally fall into categories of either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, with 1 being the hardest and 5 being the easiest. The categorization depends on both duration and gradient. Of course, there are a lot of climbs that aren't considered difficult enough to have a categorization (and purists reject even the concept of a Category 5). And then there are the dreaded climbs that are known as "hors categorie" (think Alpe d'Huez in the Tour de France) -- because they are so tough and cruel that even Category 1 doesn't sufficiently capture their difficulty. Fortunately, we didn't have any of those (or 1s) on the ride -- a single Category 2 and Category 3 on the same day was plenty!
Our first glimpses of the Pacific were breathtaking -- and a wonderful reward for all that climbing. The rest of the day was equally stunning, with the road clinging to the coast and offering spectacular views of the ocean and jagged rocks peeking out of the surf. So, of course, you get a few more pictures:
All is Excellent - Except on the Connectivity Front
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Bus Ride to Fortuna
Today was what the Climate Ride organizers call day zero: The day before we all start riding. We all met in the San Francisco parking lot of a sporting goods store, Sports Basement, and then took two giant tour buses about 300 miles up to Fortuna to the start of the ride.
And proceeded to set up camp. Doesn't look too bad does it? Kind of looking forward to testing it out - sleep, I hope,should be facilitated by tonight's activity - visiting the nearby Eel River Brewery.
Baby Elliott Interlude
After that downer of a last blog entry with the news about Ben, I'm pleased to report that I just finished a lovely two-day stay in San Francisco with my niece, Emily, her partner, Christina, and their new, two-month old baby, Elliott.
There's something about babies and biking. Last time, when I was undertaking preparation for my cross-country trip, my nephew Alex, Emily's brother, had just had his first baby, Clementine. She got her blog entry then, Elliott gets his now.
Thanks Emily and Christina for a lovely stay. It was great to see you guys and, of course, Elliott.
Bummer. Ben Drops Out.
The good news is that it's going to be roomier inside my tent. The bad news is that I'm not going to have Ben with me on this ride.
Ben goes to college at Macalaster, in St. Paul, Minnesota, where there has been snow on the ground until last week. Last week, he had finals. And a sinus infection. So with zero riding preparation and still not feeling well, Ben, surprisingly, was not all that enthused about undertaking this trip. Even the prospect of camping with Dad didn't change his mind (ok, I admit that's not exactly a strong inducement)!
As Bob, my riding buddy from cross country, succinctly put it upon being informed of the news: "There's a lot of wisdom in Ben's decision." Hard to argue with that.
Ben, you'll definitely be missed, but Bob (and you) got it right. Feel better soon. But I'm still expecting you to guest author a blog entry!
Monday, May 13, 2013
Training has Ended (that was fast)
Well, yesterday I finally did a ride of over 50 miles -- to Nyack and back, about 52 in all. Of course, 4 of the 5 days on Climate Ride are over 60 miles, so I'm not deriving too much comfort from today's effort. On the other hand, I deliberately took the hilly route -- River Road, followed by County Rte 5, giving cumulative elevation for the day of more than 3400 feet -- which is pretty good. And my legs, quadriceps in particular, feel it this morning. However,I'm not sure that I'm going to have any more training opportunities before flying to San Francisco on Thursday morning, so I guess I'm going to have to ride myself into shape on the trip!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Training has Started (and I'm already behind)
If I had a nickel for every one who said "hey, you rode cross country, this Climate Ride can't be a big deal," I would be a rich man. But the truth is that the physical benefit of that ride has long ago faded and I'm not really in great bicycling shape. So I'm trying to get some training rides in, hampered a bit by the fairly cool weather we're experiencing here in New York.
On the other hand, on the mental side, it's true that riding cross-country has definitely give me more confidence that, even without being in top physical shape, I can pull off a five day ride of this sort.
My early spring regime has actually been going to spin class two or three times a week at the new Flywheel location on the upper West side.
I'm not sure it's going to help my long-distance bicycling, but it sure does help me walk up subway stairs without getting winded. And don't knock that benefit!
So the start of my outdoor training was on April 24th (3 weeks until the ride, gulp). My favorite loop -- 30+ miles, with some decent climbing thrown in -- to the Alpine Station in New Jersey and back -- along the River Road going, back on 9W. Hey, it's a start...
It was also my first time across the George Washington Bridge on a bicycle since returning from the cross country trip on September 8th. (See pictures below) Not the same emotional impact, but I'm glad to be back!
This was on April 26th -- up to Scarborough -- putting on a bit more mileage, but still no Climate Ride distance!
This ride was with Laura on a gorgeous Sunday (April 28th) -- just a couple of loops around Central Park. Easy! Except the cops were out in force, requiring full stops at red lights. I stopped and chatted up one officer. She said they were really focusing on the bikers blitzing through lights and crosswalks when moms with baby strollers are trying to cross. She said she couldn't condone going through the light, even if I stopped before hand (i.e., essentially treated it like a stop sign), but she did say that that sort of riding behavior was not their target. Cold comfort of a sort, I guess....
This ride was on Tuesday, April 30th -- actually, a combined train ride and bike ride. First, I biked to the 125th street station, then took Metro-North to Larchmont to visit my father-in-law (Carleton) and begin an oral history project with him (a story for a different time and blog). I bought a round-trip train ticket, but when it was time to go, it was so nice outside that I decided to ride home. I'm glad I did, but I was distressingly tired afterwards (distressingly in that the distance was less than half our typical Climate Ride planned day).
This ride was on Tuesday, May 7th, really one of the first picture-perfect riding days in a while. Even felt pretty good afterwards, although, in truth, it's only a little over half (both in terms of distance and overall elevation) of what will be our hardest/longest day on Climate Ride. I've got to try to get in at least one or two 50-60 mile rides before we leave next Thursday!
This is May 10th. A speedy (relatively) three and a half loops in Central Park. Still avoiding the serious distances, but at least getting some saddle time.